Figure type V |
Figure type A |
This body shape consists of shoulders wider than hips. Recommendedare tops without shoulder padding and bottom clothing to be slightly flared towardsbottom to optically balance the figure. |
Is characterized by wider hips, not suitable are loose cuts from waistdown.
Figure type I |
Figure type 8 |
This body type appeals balanced and petite which allows and calls formore creative patterns and cuts. |
Similar to type X at which difference between waist and hips is lessprominent. Most suited is clothing optically extending the height. |
Figure type X |
Figure type H |
Balanced body shape characterized by accentuated chest, minimal waistlineand wider hips. This figure can be easily aligned by narrow skirt gradually widenedaround knee area. |
More accentuated shoulders and hips, body shape is well balancedalthough a bit robust. Ideal is to not enlarge figure any further. This body type favorsbold and striking jewelry reaching down to waistline which creates elongated illusion. |
Figure type O |
Body shape with fullness a the waist area often called apple shape. Requires less attention at the waist line. Printed and patterned clothing is ideal. Thisbody type prefers vertical to horizontal stripes which are recommended to beavoided. |